SvelteJS simple app

SvelteJS simple app

In this post we will create a Counter with SvelteJS. This is a very simple implementation, but will you to see what the source code of a simple SvelteJS application looks like.


Creating the template

Add the template to our Counter.svelte file

  Click to increment

Our script tag

Add the variable count in the script section

  let count = 0;

Adding our increment method

Add the handleIncrement method to update the variable count

  let count = 0;

  function handleIncrement() {
    count += 1;

Adding our increment method

Add the handleIncrement method in the click event handle of the button

<button on:click={handleIncrement}>
  Click to increment

And that's it. After the user clicks the button, the variable will update and the DOM will display the new value. Yes, that reactive!

Thanks for reading. I will release some in-depth posts soon.

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